Learning Style Preferences of the Teacher Education Students: Basis in Improving the Instructional Process


  • Arnold Lorenzo


individual differences, instructional process strategy, mode of teaching, multiple intelligences, pre-service teaching, teaching approach, teacher training


Every individual is unique and each has the manner or preferred ways of learning. This study was conducted to look on the learning
style preferences of the teacher education students which served as a basis in suggesting strategies to improve the instructional
process. This was anchored on Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences which states that the types of intelligence that a person
possesses indicate not only a person’s capabilities, but the manner in which they prefer to learn and develop their strengths. Questionnaire
and interview were used in gathering data from the respondents. Results revealed the learning style preferences of the teacher
education students in terms of learning environment, and emotional, social, physiological, and psychological aspects. Based on the
learning style preferences of the students, the implications to teacher, students, classroom setting and instructional materials were
discussed. Strategies were also given based on the findings of the study. The result implies that it is important for teachers to know
the preferred ways their students learn so that they can choose, plan, and implement instructional strategies suited to their students.


