Performance of Broilers and Pigs Supplemented with ProEn-K®


  • Maria Teresa Valdez College of Agriculture and Forestry, Tarlac Agricultural University, Camiling, Tarlac
  • Marliza Viloria College of Agriculture and Forestry, Tarlac Agricultural University, Camiling, Tarlac
  • Yancy Waminal College of Agriculture and Forestry, Tarlac Agricultural University, Camiling, Tarlac
  • Hazel Carino College of Agriculture and Forestry, Tarlac Agricultural University, Camiling, Tarlac


Fermentation product, Protein-enriched sweetpotato, Solid state bio-processing


This research was undertaken to evaluate the growth performance of growing-finishing pigs and broilers fed with rations containing ProEn-K® ; and to determine the cost efficiency of using it in broiler and hog production. Results 10% incorporation of ProEn-K® in broiler ration resulted in broiler performance (gain in weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio) comparable to the broiler performance resulting from the use of pure commercial broiler rations. Moreover, 10% incorporation of ProEn-K® in growing-finishing hog ration resulted in better pig performance (gain in weight, feed conversion ratio) than the use of pure commercial hog ration. Average daily gain was higher (625.94 g vs. 604.17 g) among pigs fed with ProEn-K® than those fed with pure commercial ration. Results further showed that the use of ration with ProEn-K® proved more cost efficient (8.90% vs. 3.32% return on investment) than the use of pure commercial hog ration.


