Optimization of attributes and parameters for bioethanol production from agricultural and food process-wastes


  • Sahoo Debasish
  • Vaishnav Virendra
  • Chatterjee Tanushree
  • Gupta Navita
  • Nayak Rajat
  • Ahmad Mran


Agriculture waste, Bioethanol, Clean energy, Environmental pollution, Food process waste, Waste management


The after-harvest waste from agricultural fields and the food process waste after their commercial utilization possess threats to environ-
ment and create various health hazards because their mismanagement due to lack of knowledge and technology. These agrowaste
when managed properly can be sources of energy, feed, fodder, substrate for digester, agricultural practices such as biofertilizers
and bio-fillings without affecting the natural microbial and biotics of the environment. The best, efficient, effective, optimal and green
utilization of these wastes is to convert into energy. The Agro waste feed stock contains large sources of carbohydrates (such as
cellulose hemi-cellulose lignin and proteins) that can be explored for conversion of these stock chemical bonds into clean energy such
as Bio-Ethanol. The renovation of agro wastes biomass into biofuels can increase fuel flexibility and reduce dependency on petroleum-
based transportation fuel systems thereby reducing environmental pollution and enhancing sustainable waste management system.





