D. Adaptability and Production Performance of Different Red Bulb Onion Varieties Under Palawan Condition


Adaptability, bulb, onion, production, varieties, yield


Onion is one of the most profitable agribusinesses in the world and is considered one of the most important vegetable crops.  In thePhilippines. Onions are essential commercial crops that can generate a progressive and viable market for the country.This study was conducted to establish the suitability of red bulb onions in Palawan in terms of average plant height per week, theaverage number of onion leaves per week, average bulb diameter, length, marketable versus non-marketable, average fresh weight,yield  per  plot,  and  yield  per  hectare.  The  experiment  was  laid  out  in  a  Randomized  Complete  Blocked  Design  with  four  (4)  redbulb onion types:  T1- Red Creole, T2- Red Hawk, T3- Red Horse, and T4- Red Colorado, replicated four (4) times in the PalawanState  University  Experimental  Area  from  January  2021  to  June  2021.Data  were  analyzed  using  STAR  software  version  2.0  andanalysisof  variance  in  RCBD.  Results  reveal  no  significant  differences  in  all  the  criteria  studied  in  the  four  (4)  red  bulb  onionvarieties. Based on the results, the four (4) red bulb onion cultivars could be planted in Palawan, notably in Barangay San Rafael.


