Process Optimization and Evaluation of Functional Properties of Wine from Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi) and Taro (Colocasia esculenta Linn.)


  • Algin Valida College of Agriculture and Forestry, Tarlac Agricultural University, Camiling, Tarlac, 2306 Philippines
  • Julie Tan Philippine Rootcrop Research and Training Center, Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, 6521-A Philippines


Plackett-Burman screening, Central Composite design, Jobs tears, fermented beverage, taro, antioxidant


A process for the production of wine from adlai and taro was established using Response Surface Method- ology. This study aimed to determine the optimum conditions for the production of wine using adlai and taro as substrates and to evaluate the functional properties of the wine. Central Composite Design was employed with taro level, water level, and fermentation time as the independent variables. Response surface regression analyses was also used to determine the effects of the independent variables on the wine. Increasing taro levels enhanced the aroma of the wine that subsequently increased the general acceptability of the product. Physicochemical properties were not affected by different taro and water levels, and fermentation time except pH. Moreover, increasing taro level and the interaction of water and fermentation time result to higher pH of wine. The optimum region for adlai-taro is at 220-450 grams taro and 1,300-1,490 mL water for five days. At any of these levels, wine with the most acceptable quality can be produced. Adlai-taro wine contained reducing sugars: fructose, and inulin. It exhibited free radical scavenging activity of 312.60 μmolTE/100g. This suggested that the product has added functionality. This study provides information on the potential of adlai and taro as substrate for wine-making. The presence of fructose and inulin in the wine has demonstrated its prebiotic potential.


