Guide to Authors
Submission of Manuscripts
1. Submission of a manuscript to the Philippine Journal of Arts, Science and Technology implies that the
work described is original and not under consideration by any other journal and conference
proceedings; that all authors have agreed to submission; that all authors have transferred the
copyright to publisher upon the acceptance and publication of the articles; and that the articles will not
be published in any form or language without the consent of the copyright.
2. Authors should submit an e-copy of manuscript in Microsoft Word to the Editor-in-Chief via the PJAST
website ( Received copy will be properly acknowledged and will be immediately sent
off for review if it satisfies the preliminary review by the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts that do not satisfy
the preliminary review will be returned to authors for correction before being considered further. No
manuscripts will be sent for review unless strict adherence to the format stipulated in the Guide to
Authors will be observed.
3. Author should submit the articles in MS Word with table/s, figures and references. Table should be in
MS Word or MS Excel. Graphs or photos should be in JPEG, PNG or TIF (high resolution, at 600 dpi)
Presentation of Manuscripts
1. Manuscripts must be written in English, in the third person and should be clear and grammatically
2. Manuscripts should be typewritten using Arial, font 12 point; double spaced throughout, justified on
letter size paper (8.3”x11”) page, and with a 2.54 cm margin on all sides.
3. All pages should be numbered consecutively at the center of the bottom page. Line numbers should
be continuous.
4. Data should not be presented twice, for example, both tabular and graphical form.
5. Page 1 should contain the title of the article, running title, author(s), affiliation(s), and complete
contact details (mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and email address) of the
corresponding author. A superscript number should be placed after the author’s name as reference to
their affiliations. The title of the paper should be concise and informative and written at the center and
in bold letters.
6. Original articles should be divided into sections presented in the following order: Title page,
Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion Supplementary
Data (if applicable) , Acknowledgements (if applicable), References.
Title Page
The Title page should contain the title, the name(s) of the author(s), the name(s) and address(es) of
the institution(s) where the work was carried out. For the corresponding author please include email
address, telephone and fax numbers.
Manuscript Title
The title of the manuscript should be specific, concise and as informative as possible. The title should
contain the main key words that most accurately describe the contents of the manuscript.
The Abstract should summarize concisely in no more than 250 words, the rationale, main findings,
main conclusions, and wider implications of the study. It should contain no discursive matter or
Authors should suggest no less than six key words for their article in alphabetical order that can be
used for indexing.
Text Formatting
Figures and Tables
1. Figures and tables should be numbered (Arabic numerals) chronologically. Captions for figures and
tables should be single spaced and have justified margins; First line not indented.
2. References to the tables and figures in the text should be cited as: Table 1; Figure 1; Tables 1 and 2;
Figures 1 and 2. Photos, maps and drawings should be treated as Figures.
3. The Table or Figure if possible should appear in the same page where it is firstly mentioned in the
4. Figures must be colored if possible with a background free from major grid lines (of y-axis); the x and
y axes are labeled and legend is provided. Illustration should be original line drawings of good quality.
Inscriptions should be readable even if the drawing is reduced by 75%. Drawings should be scanned
and saved in TIF, JPEG or PNG format before embedding on the manuscript. Separate file of the
photos/illustrations/figures/photos may be requested upon the acceptance of the manuscript.
5. Photographs – if possible, all photos used in the paper must have been taken by the author(s).
Photos taken by other researchers/individuals/organizations must be duly acknowledged in the paper.
The use of photos downloaded from the web/internet is strictly forbidden unless a written permission
from the copyright holder (of that photo) is presented.
1. Unfamiliar terms, abbreviations, and symbols must be defined/spelled out at first mention.
2. For scientific names, only the initial of the genus should be written except when starting a sentence
with a scientific name. All scientific names should be italicized.
3. Mathematical equations should be clearly presented so that they can be interpreted properly.
Equations must be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right-hand side
of the equations.
4. Numbers less than 10 should be spelled out (for example: eight trees, 10 fish) except when followed
by a unit of measure (for example: 9 cm, not nine cm). Numbers should be spelled out when starting
in a sentence (example: Nine fishermen were…).
5. No apostrophes in years (example: 2014s not 2014’s)
6. No periods in acronyms (example: UNESCO not U.N.E.S.C.O.; CITES not C.I.T.E.S.)
7. Write dates in this manner: day-month-year (example: 20 October 2012 or 20 Oct 2012).
8. Use the International System of Units of measurements. Separate the value and the unit of measure
(example: 5 mm, 25 g, 30 m3, 100 μm).
9. Do not separate a percent sign with the number (example: 5%, 30%).
10. Use 12-h system for time (example: 13:00 instead of 1:00 PM). To express a measured length of
time, abbreviations for hour (h), minutes (min) and seconds (sec) will be used (example: 2 h and 30
min; or 2.5 h).
11. Use a single capital letter when writing latitude and longitude (example: 9°44’27.80”N and
12. Compass points (north, south, east, west) and their derivations (northern, southern, eastern, western)
are lower-cased (example: north of Tarlac) except when they form part of the place name (example:
South Cotabato; Eastern Samar).
1. References to the literature citations in the text should be by author and year; where there are two
authors, both should be mentioned; with three or more authors, only the first author’s family name
plus “et al.” need be given. References in the text should be cited as:
Single author: (Lane 2002) or Lane (2002)
Two authors: (Kohli and Raorane 2014) or Kohli and Raorane (2014)
More than two authors: (Caguioa et al. 2015) or Caguioa et al. (2015)
2. Use a comma followed by a single space when citing more than two authors. Arrange references
alphabetically (example: Caguioa et al. 2015; Kohli and Raorane 2014; Lane 2002;).
3. Use a comma followed by a single space to separate citations of different references authored by the
same author (example: Dunwell 2005, 2008). If the same author and year are cited, use a “letter” to
distinguish one paper over the other (example: Dunwell 2010a,b).
4. Write journal’s name in full (examples: Plant Physiology, not Plant. Physiol; Journal of Arts, Sciences
and Technology, not J. Arts, Sci & Technol)
5. Citing journal articles– name(s) and initial(s) of author(s), year, full title of research article (in sentence
form), name of the journal (not abbreviated), volume number, issue number (if given), range of page
numbers, DOI number (if available) and/or web link:
Garg H, Li H, Sivasithamparam K, Barbetti MJ (2013) Differentially expressed proteins
and associated histological and disease progression changes in cotyledon tissue of a
resistant and susceptible genotype of Brassica napus infected with Sclerotinia
sclerotiorum. Plos ONE 8(6) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0065205
Kim ST, Kim SG, Arawal G, Kikuchi S, Rakwal R (2013) Rice proteomics: a model
system for crop improvement and food security. Proteomics 14(4-5):593-610
6. Citing of books – name(s) of author(s), year of publication, full title of the Book (capitalize each main
word), publisher, place of publication and total number of pages.
7. Gonzales, BJ. 2013. Field Guide to Coastal Fishes of Palawan. Coral Triangle Initiative
on Corals, Fisheries and Food Security, Quezon City, Philippines. 208p.
8. Citing a chapter in a book – name(s) of author(s), year, full title of the chapter in a book (capitalize
each main word), last name of editor and title of book, edition, publisher, place of publication and
page range of that chapter:
Caguioa, M.T., Raorane, M., Kohli, A. (2015) Translating genome for translational
research: proteomics in agriculture. In: Plant Biology and Biotechnologgy: Volume II:
Plant Genomics. DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2283-5_11, © Springer India 2015. p247-264
7. Citing a Webpage – names of the author (s), year, Title of the article, webpage address and date
Kenyon G (2002) In defining the mandate of proteomics in the post-genomics era
workshop report.
Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species ( 2014) The CITES
Appendices. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and
Fauna. Accessed on 5 Jan 2014.
8. Citing a thesis or dissertation – author’s family name, initial names of the author, year, title of the
thesis, degree, name of institution, address of the institution, total number of pages (p).
Lerom RR (2008) Biosystematics study of palawan landraces of rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Doctor of Philosophy, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of the Philippines-Los
Baños College, Laguna, Philippines. 197p.
9. Citing a Report
Picardal RM and Dolorosa RG (2014) Gastropods and bivalves of Tubbataha Reefs
Natural Park, Cagayancillo, Palawan, Philippines. Tubbataha Management Office and
Western Philippines University. 25p.
10. In Press articles when cited must include the name of the journal that has accepted the paper.
Tsakirpaloglou N, Raorane M, Longkumer T, et al. In press. A multifunctional rice
germin-like protein moonlights transitorily as AGPPase during grain development. Plant
Physiology. In press.
11. Citing an article from an online newspaper.
Cuyos JM (2011) Endangered deep-sea shells seized from Mandaue firm. Inquirer
Global Nation, Cebu. http://globalnation.
Mandaue-firm. Accessed on 31 May 2012.
12. Citing an Agency.
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
(1999). Satellite Television Act of 1999: Report of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and
Transportation on S. 303, together with minority views. Washington DC: Government Printing
Office. (Senate Report 106-51)(Y 1.1/5:106-51)
Philippines. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Agricultural Statistics. (2015). Accessed on 31 May 2012.
13. Citing a Pamphlet.
With author
Author’s Name. (Year). Title of Article. Place of publication: Publisher. Print
Women's Health: Problems of the Digestive System. Washington: American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2006. Print.
Without author
Title of Article. Place of publication: Publisher. Year. Print
Women's Health: Problems of the Digestive System. Washington: American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2006. Print.