
As part of TAU, SEEd4Com’s road map

    SDGs Academy Philippines now seeks collaborators

By Mr. Jerome L. Duque

Photo courtesy of Mr. Julius C. Consul

Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) and Sustainable Energy and Enterprise Development for Communities (SEED4Com) are now looking for Sustainability Advocates in the country.

Formally inaugurated on 13 November, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Academy Philippines is the outcome of months of planning and consultations between TAU Office of External Linkages and International Affairs (ELIA) and SEED4Com in support of United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Dr. Max P. Guillermo, President of TAU, and Mr. Dann T. Diez, Chief Executive Officer of SEED4Com, led the ceremonial signing of Memorandum of Understanding to make the five-year partnership official. Joining them were TAU-ELIA Director, Dr. Christine N. Ferrer, and several officials and spectators from both institutions.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development strives for the significant reduction of global poverty and hunger, sustained promotion of human rights, empowerment of women, girls, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and the safeguard of the planet and conservation of its crucial resources.

TAU’s partner, SEED4Com, has been addressing local concerns with global impact since 2014. According to its website, SEED4Com is a non-stock and non-profit organization based in Cebu, Philippines which is "founded to provide help in improving human conditions and empowering poverty-stricken areas, rural and last-mile communities in the Philippines.”

Getting Ready for A Sustainable Life

To prepare the members of SDGs Academy, TAU-ELIA and SEED4Com invited four plenary speakers to familiarize the participants with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Representing SDGs Academy Pakistan, Dr. Syed Amar Hussain Jaffri, shared his organization’s experience in enacting SDGs in his country. Dr. Jaffri highlighted that inter-institutional cooperation, especially one that transcends borders, accelerates development. Meanwhile, Climate Schools Asia’s co-founder, Mr. Mohamad Johan, directed his discussion on the role of youth in climate action programs.

Mr. Jerome L. Duque, a Global Schools Advocate, discussed the importance of localization and contextualization of SDGs, specifically SDG 4, Quality Education. Mr. Duque also underscored the mandate of educators to provide knowledge, values, and skills required to move towards a sustainable and prosperous world. “We have to integrate global citizenship, sustainability, and 21st century skills to school communities,” he ended.

In addition, Mr. Clarence Gio Almoite of SEED4Com updated the participants regarding the status of 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference or more popularly known as COP26. Held in Glasgow, Scotland on 41 October to 13 November, COP26 has been criticized for lack of inclusivity and transparency. Mr. Almoite shared these concerns during his talk.

As part of their pledge, new members are encouraged to initiate a target intervention on any SDG of their choice and to convince and mobilize volunteers to help them further their respective causes.