
BOR to beef up TAU Org Structure, approves new vision, mission, goals

Consistently assessing TAU’s impact on the advancement of higher education and contribution to community development, the Board of Regents, per the Board Resolution Nos. 25 and 26, s. 2019, approved the streamlining of the University’s Organizational Structure as well as the revision of the Vision, Mission, and Breakthrough Goals statements after series of consultation and scrutiny of the stakeholders and the Board members during the series of strategic planning workshops initiated by the administration, headed by the University President, Dr. Max P. Guillermo.

TAU consciously determines the quality of services it provides as well as the rate of satisfaction of the clienteles from the Tarlac province and its neighboring provinces. And as TAU faces greater challenges after being declared as a SUC Level IV, the administration realized the need to strengthen the line-up of the workforce and services to incessantly address the increasing demand of a larger populace of stakeholders. By opening a new seat for the Vice President for Student Affairs & Services in the Administrative Council, the administration agreed to the re-alignment of the services of each college and department/unit as an intervention to fully determine the institution’s targets and priorities in fulfillment of the revised Vision, Mission, and Breakthrough Goals statements.


As approved by the Board, the modifications made in the TAU Organizational Structure strictly adheres to the provisions stipulated in the Republic Act No. 10800. Under the Office of the President are the Offices of Quality Assurance & Internal Audit, Planning & Development, and Gender & Development. All of these offices shall be headed by a Director.

There will be four (4) Vice Presidents namely: Vice President for Finance & Administration (VPFA), Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), Vice President for Research, Extension & Training (VPRET), and Vice President for Student Affairs & Services (VPSAS).

Under the Office of the VPFA are the Administrative Services, Financial Services, Business and Auxiliary Services, and General Services, all of which shall be headed by a Director.

Further, the Office of the VPAA shall supervise the six (6) colleges namely: College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business and Management, College of Education (including the Laboratory School which is headed by a Principal), College of Engineering and Technology, College of Agriculture and Forestry, and College of Veterinary Medicine, all of which shall be headed by a Dean, and the Office of External Linkages & International Affairs which is headed by a Director. The heads of Curriculum & Instruction, Library Services & Learning Resource Centers, and NSTP Coordinator shall serve as support staff of the VPAA.

The Office of the VPSAS shall oversee the Offices of Student Services & Development, Sports Development, Sociocultural Development, Admission & Registration Services, and Alumni Relations. These offices shall be headed by a Director.

Lastly, under the Office of the VPRET, are the Departments of Research & Development, and Extension & Training. The Rootcrops Research and Training Center, Bamboo Research & Training Center, SMART Agriculture Center, and Satellite Animal Breeding & Artificial Insemination Center are all under the Department of Research & Development. These centers shall be headed by a Manager. The Technology Application & Promotion Unit shall be established under the Office of the VPRET.

With this revised Organizational Structure, the duty, authority, and responsibilities of each head of the office will be efficiently apportioned and coordinated. The said re-alignment of offices and creation of additional support staff would ease the information and workflow between and among the different levels of management in the University, thus, it is believed to be another strategy to address the increasing demands of various services needed by the clienteles. 

The revised vision, mission, and goals of the University are as stated as follows:

Vision: TAU as one of the top 500 universities in Asia;

Mission: TAU is committed to improve the quality of life through the production of globally competent

graduates and relevant technologies in the service of society;

Breakthrough Goals:

Anchored on the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals for inclusive growth, TAU will:

Take lead in innovative teaching methodologies and appropriate technologies to create an ideal

environment to optimize learning;

Advance sustainable agricultural productivity and improve income through innovation, technology

generation, transfer and training; and

Use Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) effectively for climate change resiliency, adaptation

and agricultural productivity.

From the previous vision to become “one of the top 500 agricultural universities in Asia,” TAU has disregarded the term “agricultural” due to the fact that there have been no agricultural universities in Asia with such number. However, this does not signify that the University shall overlook its mandate as an agricultural university. Instead, this connotes that the TAU Community is committed to being at par with other higher educational institutions in the country and abroad. 

The mission statement has been revised also as they added the term “globally” to refer to the competency of graduates. This validates the TAU community’s aspiration to produce graduates who shall be recognized in the international milieu.

The breakthrough goal statements were also revised as they included the phrase "to create an ideal environment" to optimize the learning; the terms "sustainable" was also added to the agricultural productivity; and the term "improve" was added to refer to the income through innovation, technology generation, transfer, and training. By means of these reforms, the University has foreseen greater challenges in order to be enlisted in the rankings of the prestigious universities in the Asian region. But these alterations have become a motivation for the faculty, staff, and officials to pledge their contribution to the economic growth of the Filipino nation through the delivery of quality education, technological advancement, and research-based productions.

Meanwhile, the information dissemination of such amendments is on process as the University plans to do modifications in all of the postings on website, enrolment campaign materials and information bulletin and all forms of the University profile documentation. The administration is also currently planning for the smooth transition in the line-up of the University officials. The Office of the President shall make formal announcements of the new officials to be added in the Administrative Council within the fiscal year. (RCalpito, PDO)