
TAU conducts annual performance review and planning workshop

The Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) virtually conducted its annual performance review and planning workshop last January 19 – 20 to assess its performance for the previous fiscal year and to explore strategies to continue meeting its institutional targets and objectives.

The event started with the welcome remarks and the introduction of the guest speaker by TAU President Max. P. Guillermo.

The keynote speaker, Prof. Emil Chan of City University of Hong Kong, shared about Metaverse-Based Digital Transformation on Education (ESG) Digital Transformation on Education. Prof. Chan’s discussion focused on the interface of education and the metaverse which is a manifestation of the future of global education. The participants responded positively on this topic as they also believe that Prof. Chan’s talk is very timely to address the current predicaments brought about by the pandemic.

Prof. Chan concluded, “Metaverse is for real ... despite the fact that there are a lot of myths. But as long as we can [do] trial and error, as long as we can have an open mind, as long as we can take this opportunity under pandemic, a lot of new ideas can speed up the transformation of the way … we teach.”

As part of the ongoing efforts of the university to equip its officials in planning and in finding good ways to meet its targets and objectives, TAU invited its institutional partner from Malaysia and government-agency partners such as NEDA, DA, CHED, DOST, and DTI as well as the industry partner to discuss their thrust and priorities and their current programs and projects.

Dr. Yazrina Yahya, Deputy Director of the Akademi Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi (AKEPT), Malaysia, discussed Smart Leadership: Creating a Culture of Innovation in TAU. Dr. Yahya’s lecture centered on the best avenues that the University may explore to cultivate innovative programs and projects for TAU.

Meanwhile, TAU’s government-agency partners presented their thrusts and priorities to help various sectors including the State Universities and Colleges to hone globally competitive graduates. NEDA III Regional Director (RD) Gina T Gacusan particularly discussed NEDA Regional Thrusts and Priorities towards Socioeconomic Recovery. RD Gacusan insisted universities and CHED continue their plans in delivering limited face-to-face classes because the Philippines is the only country in Asia who haven’t tried the reopening of the schools.

Meanwhile, OIC-Regional Technical Director for Research, Regulatory, and Integrated Laboratories Dr. Arthur Dayrit presented the Research and Extension Thrusts and Priorities of the Department of Agriculture. He highlighted the effect of the inflation and the pandemic in agricultural production especially in Region III. In his discussion, he urged agricultural state universities to up the challenge in producing more technologies and to encourage the students to engage in agriculture because more experts are needed to pump up the country’s economy which is dependent on agriculture.

CHEDRO III RD Leonida B. Sigua-Calagui presented CHED Regional Plans and Priorities in Preparing for Face-to-Face Classes in Higher Education. Dr. Calagui underscored their plans in preparing the academic sector to gradually reopen the colleges and universities, especially the academic programs which cater laboratory and technical skills.

Moreover, DOST III RD Julius Caesar V. Sicat discussed the Research Agenda, Thrusts, and Priorities of DOST. One of the highlights of his talk is the number of DOST scholars and experts who are engaged in innovation and patenting of new technologies. He also presented the priorities and ongoing projects of the agency.

DTI III Asst. RD Brigida T. Pili delivers her topic titled “Enhancing the Curriculum through Academe-Industry Linkages.” She underscored the important partnership between the academic sector and various industries in addressing the global demands and needs.

Lastly, President Arsenio Barcelona of Harbest Agribusiness Corporation presented their agri-based programs.

On the second day of the workshop, the deans, directors and other unit heads of the University presented their unit or department’s 2021-accomplishment report based on their targets.

RD Gacusan, Dr. Dayrit, RD Calagui, RD Sicat, and Asst. RD Pili along with the university’s high-ranking officials, private sector, student, parent-teacher association, faculty association and NASA representatives, and select local government officials served as the evaluators during the presentation of the deans, directors and other unit heads.

Dr. Noel J. Petero, TAU’s Vice President for Finance and Administration, Dr. Arnold. E. Velasco, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ma. Asuncion G. Beltran, Vice President for Research, Extension and Training, and Dr. Danilo N. Oficiar, Vice President for Student Affairs and Services, expressed their statement of commitment to signify that the said planning workshop produced fruitful endeavors that the TAU community must engage in light of the institution’s vision to be one of the top 500 universities in Asia.

The event ended with the closing remarks of TAU-Planning and Development Director Arnold R. Lorenzo. Director Lorenzo expressed his gratitude to the administration council members, the resource speakers, and evaluators from the partner agencies who made the planning workshop a successful activity. He ended his speech with a hopeful remark that the targets to be set by the University will soon be achieved. (AGannod and RCalpito, PDO)