
TAU conducts mid-year strategic planning to mitigate the impact of the pandemic


The TAU Administrative Council (ADCO) engaged in a midyear strategic planning to mitigate the impact of COVID19 while observing safety protocols thru a series of online conferences from August 19, 24-25, until 27.

Spearheaded by the Planning and Development Office (PDO), the Office of the Presidential Management Services (OPMS), and the Gender and Development Office (GAD), the conduct of Midyear Performance Review and Revisiting of Strategic Priorities in the New Normal is an organizational management activity used to identify the priorities and to review and fine-tune the organization's direction in response to the changing environment.

To pursue the aforementioned objectives of the performance review, the first day of the online session, last August 19, started with presenting the strategic priorities and thrust of various regional government agencies, which was participated by the TAU Administrative Council. The keynote speaker for the session was Mr. Nelson Cainghog, the director of the Commission on Higher Education’s Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management (CHED-OPRKM).

The session proceeded with the presentation of the director of CHED Region III, Dr. Maria Teresita M. Semana, as she focused on the CHED regional plans and priorities in mitigating the pandemic's impact. Dr. Irene M. Adion, the chief of the Research Division of Department of Agriculture Region III and PCCAARD’s Deputy Executive Director Melvin B. Carlos presented their respective agency's programs, thrusts, priorities, and other initiatives to mitigate the pandemic's impact. Finally, the last presenter was Ms. Jhamie Tetz Mateo, the GAD focal person of CHED Central Office. Ms. Mateo presented the incorporation of Gender and Development initiatives in redefining strategies in action planning.

 After the presentation, the ADCO members conducted their strategic planning in their respective departments/offices. Each office convened for another online session last August 24-25, and they collated their midyear accomplishments, milestones, challenges/problems encountered, targets, and priorities for the remaining period.

On August 27, the last day of the online midyear performance review, the Regional Director Julius Caesar V. Sicat of DOST Region III, Director Maria Teresita M. Semana of CHED RO III, Deputy Executive Melvin B. Carlos of PCAARRD, and Ms. Mariviel M. Reyes of NEDA served as external evaluators in the parallel sessions. Meanwhile, the presidents of the faculty associations and non-teaching associations, the student representative, PTA and alumni associations, and members of the Board of Regents (BOR) served as resource persons. The last day of the performance review was organized for parallel sessions where the directors and deans presented their accomplishments, challenges, and priorities adjacent to the regional government agencies' initiative in mitigating the impact of the pandemic in the country. (RCalpito)