
TAU culminates virtual exchange program for 6 Indonesian HEIs, banks on stable relations to further research, visiting faculty agreements

By Mr. Jerome L. Duque (TAU-ELIA)

Carrying through its commitments to its partners, Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) lauded 17 virtual exchange students from Indonesia during the Virtual Student Exchange Program Closing Ceremony on 28 January.

Six Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) namely Universitas Pancasakti Tegal (UPT), Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (USGJ),  Universitas PGRI Semarang (UPGRIS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Universitas Tidar (UT), and Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Yogyakarta (STIEY) sent their finest students which were accommodated by five TAU colleges during the first semester of the academic year 2021-2022.

In his speech, TAU President, Dr. Max P. Guillermo, said he is pinning his hopes on the amicable relationship between TAU and its Indonesian partners, and anticipates inter-institutional cooperation on a number of fronts including joint research publication and knowledge sharing.

Aside from conveying their gratitude to TAU for hosting their students, the directors of the international affairs offices of the Indonesian universities also share similar aspirations.

Such concerns had been addressed by Dr. Christine N. Ferrer in her message. “This comes at a time when our side of the world, the ASEAN, is increasingly inching closer towards greater integration,” Dr. Ferrer added.

The completers, who were recognized for their commendable performance at TAU were: Meli Ruslinar, Mutsaqqoful Fikri, Avila Aras, Muhammad Hasan Thaufiq, and Muhammad Yudi Pratama from UPT; Charisatina Maulidiyah, I'anah Fitriani, Niken Larasati, and Silvana Nur Kholipah from USGJ; Ukima Nusuki, Maria Stephania Widodo, and Siti Khumairoh from UPGRIS; Hana Jescenia and Firsty Annisa Maghfira from UB; Elizabeth Christin Prasetianingrum and Fani Rachmah Nur Aini from UT; and Galuh Febry Asmita from STIEY.