
TAU intensifies linkaging and internationalization initiatives 

Partnership. Internationalization. Mobility.

Such are the bywords that underscore the efforts of the Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) in its pursuit to enhance its identity in the international scene.

Forefronting the University’s enhancement of its international reputation and visibility, TAU’s External Linkages and International Affairs Office spearheads endeavors for said pursuit – thus, linkaging and partnership development, internationalization, mobility and internship programs, as well as placement and public employment.

The ELIA Office leads in the development of international engagement to build partnerships that are grounded on the areas of student exchange, faculty exchange, collaborative research, publication exchange, joint sponsorship of conferences, consortia for program implementation, faculty-industry immersion, student OJT, agri-tourism program, etc.

As such, TAU’s accomplishment in incessantly exploring more partnership opportunities were propelled in its international and linkaging directions namely: Internationalization Engagement, Learning and Development, and Engagement and Connections.