
TAU kicks off regular student exchange program for second semester

Text by Mr. Jerome L. Duque (TAU-ELIA)

Photo by Mr. John Paul Q. Gordovin and Ms. Marjorie R. Gambol


What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than by professing one's love for education? This is what exactly Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) pulled off as it admitted 33 international students from nine higher education institutions in Indonesia and Myanmar in the welcome ceremony of the Regular Student Exchange Program on 14 February.


Indonesian universities namely: Universitas Pancasakti  Tegal (UPS Tegal); Universitas Islam Malang (UNISMA); Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS); Universitas Negeri Surabaya; (UNESA); Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi “YKP” Yogyakarta (STIE YKP); Universitas IVET Semarang; Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare (UMPAR); and Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (UNDIKSHA) sent 30 of their most qualified students while Kyaing Tong University from Myanmar fielded three of its global ambassadors.

In his message as relayed by Dr. Arlene V. Tomas, Chief of Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Arnold E. Velasco, Vice President for Academic Affairs, greeted the delegates as he expressed his hopes that they will learn lessons from TAU which will be vital for their future endeavors. This was further echoed by Dr. Christine N. Ferrer, Director of External Linkages and International Affairs. “This is an opportunity for inbound and Filipino students to engage in global discussions on specific issues concerning their fields of disciplines,” Dr. Ferrer noted.

Rectors and key officials from TAU’s partner universities were also present as they were commended by Dr. Max P. Guillermo for “remaining resilient in endeavoring to carry on with our (respective) undertakings” and for “strengthening cross-border mobility and internationalization programs of higher education institutions” despite challenges.

The students who joined TAU’s Credit Transfer Program enrolled a maximum of three subjects related to their course and will be attending classes and training virtually from February to June 2022.

Pyae Sone Chanthar Aung, an English Language student from KTU, decided to take up “Communication, Culture, and Society,” “Masterpieces in World Literature,” and “Methods of Research. “I really want to change my country's (Myanmar) situation and make people smile. So, I would like to improve my soft skills, which can be unlocked in this program,” Mr. Aung enthusiastically shared.

The university’s virtual mobility program is offered free of charge to students of HEIs which have an existing memorandum of understanding with TAU.