
The Teacher Education Program of the Tarlac Agricultural University (then Tarlac College of Agriculture) started in 1977 under the Department of Agricultural Education and Home Technology headed by a chairman. The first chairman was Dr. Buenaventura I. Hilario. The courses offered then were Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education (BSAgEd), Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (BSEEd) with majors in Elementary Agriculture and Home Economics, and Bachelor of Home Science and Technology (BHST).

With the issuance of Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports (MECS) Order No. 26 s. 1983, the existing curricula were revisited and major curriculum changes were made and approved by the Academic Council. TCA adapted the improved BEEd and BSEd curricula and gradually phased out the BSAgEd and BHST programs.

In 1982, The Institute of Education was established by virtue of Board Resolution No. 61 s. 1982 of the TCA Board of Trustees, with the consequent appointment of Dr. Adriano H. Alonzo as the first institute dean. He was succeeded by Dr. Philip B. Ibarra who served as Dean from 1991-1992. When Dr. Ibarra was promoted to the post of Vice President for Academic, Cultural and Sports Affairs, Dr. Eleanor G. Hilario became the institute dean in 1992 to 2001. With the ascension of Dr. Ibarra to the College Presidency, Dr. E. Hilario took over the post of Vice President for Academic, Cultural and Sports Affairs, and Prof. Arturo A. Tacderan became the institute dean for a short while. Dr. Maximiano F. Dela Cruz succeeded him and became the dean until he retired in April 2003. To avoid vacuum in the leadership at the Institute of Education, Prof. Tacderan became the Officer-in-Charge until Dr. MacArthur A. Purganan was appointed as dean on April 21, 2003, a post he occupied until June 5, 2005. Dr. Maria Teresa SJ. Valdez assumed the deanship of the Institute of Education on June 6, 2005.

In 2002, in response to the CHED’s program of vertical articulation of graduate programs, the administration of graduate courses in teacher education, namely, Ph.D. in Development Education, Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) and Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) was transferred to the Institute of Education.

The undergraduate programs offered that time in the institute were Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) with specializations in Science, Mathematics, and Agricultural Technology & Home Economics; and Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE) with majors in Mathematics, General Science, and Agricultural Technology & Home Economics.

However, with the growing demands of global competitiveness, CHED revised the policies and standards for undergraduate teacher education courses. In response to these revisions, the institute modified its BEEd program by launching the General Education as the sole specialization casting off the three specializations. BSE with majors in General Science and Agricultural Technology & Home Economics were changed to Physical Science and Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE), respectively. These alterations were approved by the Academic Council on April 8, 2005, and fortified through Board Resolution No. 27, s. 2005.       

Another significant move was held on August 18, 2005. The Executive Council in its regular meeting approved the transfer of administration of Bachelor of Science in Home Technology (BSHT) and Certificate in Home Technology (CHT) to the Institute of Education effective Academic Year 2006-2007.

At the onset of 2007, the Institute started offering Pre-school Education (PSEd), a new specialization in the BEEd Program.

Amidst what the modern world demands, two of the undergraduate programs offered in the Institute—Bachelor of Secondary Education and Bachelor of Elementary Education— were submitted for Level III Phase 1 Accreditation in 2008 and Level III Phase 2 Accreditation in 2009, eventually, leading to the attainment of Level III Re-accredited status. In 2013 the Institute was able to hurdle its highest achievement as its two programs passed the Level IV, Phase I Accreditation.

With the institute’s commitment to excellence, it once again submitted its two programs for evaluation/accreditation in September 2011: Bachelor of Science in Home Technology on its Preliminary Survey and Doctor of Philosophy in Development Education on Level 1 Accreditation, which respectively got a very satisfactory rating. On December 2, 2011, the Master of Arts in Education program successfully achieved its Reaccredited Level III status.

It was also in 2011 that the institute marked a transition in administrative positions when Dr. Maria Teresa S.J. Valdez assumed office as Vice President for Academic Affairs, paving the way for Dr. Noel J. Petero to lead the institute. He was instrumental in the implementation of several policies and innovations to improve academic, research and extension functions of the institute.

In May 2014, Dr. Arnold E. Velasco became the dean of the Institute. He led the Institute during the rigid evaluation by the Commission on Higher Education in its quest to be a Center of Excellence (COE) in Teacher Education. The IEd faculty and the TCA community were ecstatic when CHED awarded the Institute of Education, Center of Excellence in Teacher Education on May 17, 2016.

The year 2016 was truly notable for the College was officially converted on May 10, 2016 into Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) by virtue of Republic Act No. 10800 signed by His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III.

With this change in status, reorganizations, reforms and shifts in prospects were expected. The Institute of Education was named College of Education (CEd) and was relocated to its new site based on the master development plan of the University. The present dean that time, Dr. Velasco was appointed Director of the Admission and Registration Services in November 2016. Consequently, an equally able faculty from the College, Dr. Arnold R. Lorenzo assumed the deanship. CEd faculty and students will occupy the new buildings for General Education and Home Technology before 2017 ends.

At present the College of Education continues to soar as it aims for higher goals of producing more leaders and highly competitive graduates who will put up flaglets (with the college’s emblem) on top of their own summits and contribute to the country’s development.
